Day 2 of our residential visit started with a cooked breakfast. Some of us may also have enjoyed extra toast, multiple bowls of cereal and some fruit. We wanted to ensure we had lots of energy for our hill walk in the morning.

The hill walk took us about two and a half hours.   We had a proud moment when we were told that we'd completed the whole walk considerably faster than most groups.  There were very few complaints, even when we were going up the steeper sections.

We had regular breaks which were a good opportunity to learn more about the local area.  We found out about local timber production  which tied in brilliantly with our recent geography topic of natural resources.  It was interesting to hear how production is moving to be more sustainable and to use native species of trees.  We also found out more about some of the local plants and their historical (and modern) uses.

In the afternoon, we were raft building.   We started by considering the materials which might be available and creating and presenting our own designs.  We then built small model rafts which allowed us to practise our knots.  Finally, we went down to the water and had fantastic fun building and testing the real things!

Tonight we will be climbing and we are all looking forward to turning in and catching up on some sleep later.