We've really enjoyed our final full day at Abernant.

Sessions included archery, orienteering, low ropes, fencing, survival skills and stand up paddle boarding.

This evening we all headed out into the darkness for a night hike which allowed the children to make great use of their torches.  It was lovely to see how well they looked after each other.  We learnt more interesting information about the local wildlife which includes Red Kites.  The instructors were very impressed by our children's knowledge about these birds which are considered a conservation success story in Abernant.

The day was completed with some special birthday celebrations - lovely cake to accompany our obligatory evening hot chocolate.  We did have an unexpected fire evacuation but I'm glad to say that it wasn't our birthday candles which triggered this!  

The children have already started repacking their bags.  They have quite a lot of muddy clothes to wash.  Sorry.

We're not quite finished yet.  Tomorrow, we have two more sessions of activities.  We will then have lunch before setting off for home in our coach.

We'll see you soon!