Happy new year everyone!

Your child should be bringing home their lovely new reading record today, in beautiful Spring green. If you've still got a red Autumn record at home, do please bring it in to school - we keep them all as a record of your child's progress and engagement in reading and they are brilliant evidence when we're assessing their reading at the end of the year.

Anyone who did the Christmas Reading Bingo square, even if you didn't finish it - bring it in to school next week and claim your prize! It's fantastic that so many of our pupils kept up with their reading over the holidays.

Now that we're all back in the saddle, a reminder that all children are expected to read a minimum five times every week and get their reading records signed by someone at home. A visit to Reading Cafe (open next Tuesday) counts as a read, so why not drop in after school?

For all those times when it feels that it's all a bit of a struggle, or there isn't time, or you think it might not actually make much difference anyway - this article from the Young Readers' Foundation is well worth a read to remind us that nurturing readers really is one of the most important things we can do as teachers and parents to help children grow. Please do get stuck in, ask for help if you need it, and try to find just ten minutes every day to share a story with your little guys in whatever way works best for you - you can't get it wrong! It makes all the difference in the world. Thank you.
