Meet the Owl Squad! 

This term, Owl Class are doing a Geography topic on the United Kingdom. We are sending these little owls off in envelopes to destinations all over England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, to take a photograph of the places they find before hopping back in the post to fly back to school! 

You'll be able to catch up with their progress each week, but here's where they have been so far.... 

Mango Marge went to Sheffield and saw the canals in this big industrial city. 

Zen Steve went to Galway in the Republic of Ireland (actually out of the United Kingdom.) He saw the beautiful west coast of Ireland and in the photo, he's pointing at the cave where they filmed Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!

Lost John went to Banstead, near Epsom Downs.

Doug went to St Andrews, saw a castle and met a bagpiper!

Big Clive went to Pevensey and saw the beach where William the Conqueror landed in 1066. 

Poppy went to Birmingham and saw lots of busy railway stations. 

Sir Owlington The Grand went to Folkestone and saw the edge of France across the English Channel. 

Jimmy The Penguin went to Plymouth and visited the National Marine Aquarium. 

Barb is currently in Worthing, seeing the pier.

Poe is currently on his way to Glasgow.  

Bob is in Manchester, staying in a skyscraper, and is visiting the National Football Museum and the mill where the Industrial Revolution started before he flies home. 

Pedro is midflight to Orkney. 

Spike is on his way to Liverpool. 

Lorraine is in London. She has already visited the Shard and seen the outside of Twickenham Stadium. The staff have kindly agreed to let her take a photo on the pitch tomorrow! 

As you can imagine, where in the world the Owl Squad have ended up is one of the first things the children in Owls Class want to know when they arrive in school in the morning, and they are already getting very good at grabbing the atlases to find out where their owls have got to! Do enjoy sharing this with them - if you've got an atlas or map at home, that's fantastic, or feel free to look up some of these locations online. 

Selection of photos below. Check in for more news from the Owl Squad next week! 

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