Congratulations to our brilliant Kingfishers who led the school’s Harvest Festival at St Mary’s Church this week.   They shared our school parable of The Sower and took us through the pumpkin prayer.  Our new Year 6 worship leaders, Ryan, Kalisia and Grace, were commissioned during the service too.  Thank you to Mrs Ebrey and everyone who helped the children to prepare.


We were particularly proud of our new Wrens who really enjoyed their first church service.  As many of them had never visited St Mary’s before, Reverend Jane very kindly gave them an extra tour of the church and the chance to ask questions after the service had finished.  With the walk up and back to church, and an afternoon PE session, we’re sure they slept very well in the evening.


As part of this term’s value of compassion, the children are keen to not only understand when people need our help but also to take action to help whenever possible.  We have chosen to launch a Harvest Foodbank Appeal and you will see a box placed outside our school office from tomorrow where you can leave any donations.  Many thanks for your support with this.  If you would like to find out what items are currently needed, the list can be found here: