Our annual Book Week is always a bestseller with the children.  This year has been no exception.


Thank you for helping the children to dress up in a huge range of costumes to represent different book characters.  We loved guessing which books they were representing.  The children also really enjoyed seeing the adults in their different costumes!  Throughout the week, reading has been a top priority both in and out of school.  Paired reading between classes has been a huge hit.  We saw the house groups learning together and sharing book activities for a morning.  Story sharing went online through our website blog and resulted in lots of children chasing Mrs Ebrey around the school with mysterious code words.  And our community stepped in to support, as they always do.  Where else other than Aldermaston can children share their books with local businesses and then be rewarded for their love of reading?  Thank you for sharing your pictures of our children enjoying the perks of being great readers in this brilliant village, and a special THANK YOU! to Mrs Ebrey for inspiring and organising.