We're delighted to present 'Healthy Living Week 2023'.
This annual event ensures that the whole school community starts the year with a focus on our physical health and emotional wellbeing.
This week we will be enjoying new physical challenges and thinking about how we look after our bodies. The children always love taking part in a daily mile. We will explore healthy eating choices and you may find the children would like to share some new healthy recipes with the rest of their family at home. We will be reflecting on how to stay emotionally healthy by staying safe, making good choices and talking about how we are feeling. We will be highlighting the importance of sharing any worries or concerns with others.
You will find that our curriculum subjects this half term are planned to link in with these aims and they include science topics about human biology and PSHE topics which include work on personal hygiene and safe choices. Our Real PE focus is on health and fitness. This year, we are happy to be including the use of NSPCC materials, matched to the ages of our children, which help them to identify and speak out about anything that is affecting their safety and wellbeing.
As always, children will need their PE kits in school every day and please ensure they have a warm and waterproof coat which is suitable for our January weather conditions.