Whole School Trip to The Story Museum, Oxford

Wednesday 1st February 2023


****   UPDATE   ***

In light of the circumstances surrounding possible strike action next Wednesday, we have made the decision to change the trip for children in Wrens and Robins Class to a different date so we can be certain there will be sufficient adult cover. We have therefore rearranged for the younger children in our school to go on this trip on Wednesday, 22nd February 2023.

The children will leave the school site at 10.45am to arrive at the museum for 11.45am. They will enjoy their session at the museum and then return to school for a slightly later time of 3.45pm as originally planned.


You will remember that our school council held an exciting school vote on English enrichment and the children chose to have a whole school visit.

We are pleased to advise that we have been able to organise a whole school trip to The Story Museum, Oxford on Wednesday, 1stFebruary 2023. This trip and activities taking place will focus on our Literacy, Oracy and Story Telling area of the curriculum.

There will be no cost to parents towards the cost of this trip. We are very pleased to be able to offer this trip completely free of charge as a result of the generosity of a parent in school and our amazing PTA. 

Children will need to leave school promptly at 8.45am, we would therefore ask that children are dropped off by 8.30am. We will open the playground gates at 8.20am on this occasion. The return to school will also be at a slightly later time of approximately 3.45pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a water bottle with them in a back pack.

Packed lunches can be ordered from the school kitchen – these will include a choice of a Ham, Cheese or Tuna Baguette, along with a sausage roll, biscuit, piece of fruit and vegetable sticks.

Please note that there are no drinks provided with a school packed lunch, therefore these will need to be provided separately.

Children will need to wear their normal school uniform and will need suitable shoes and a coat as part of the trip will be outside.

Please complete and return the permission slip to the school office no later than Friday, 20th January.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Click here for permission slip.

Click here for UPDATE letter.