Preparing for Easter with artwork and assemblies


Our children have been reflecting on the events of Holy Week as we prepare to celebrate Easter and the classrooms are awash with inspired artwork and projects including some amazing Easter gardens in Wrens Class.


Thank you to our House Captains in Year 6 who produced their own Easter assemblies for each House Group.  The  children made great use of their oracy and drama skills to present the Easter story, wrote beautiful prayers to share and explored some of our Easter traditions.  Our older children had also      selected a special Easter activity for the younger children to complete in class.


Although we were unable to attend St Mary’s Church for our traditional Easter Service, our Owls Class took on leadership of a remote version for the whole school.  The service shared scripture against the freeze frame images created by the children and was full of wonderful music. 


We’re very proud of the leadership skills displayed by the children and very thankful to all the adults who have helped them to prepare for and enjoy these events.