The Royal Mail has launched a competition to design 8 new stamps honouring the heroes of the pandemic and we would like to enter it as an art project for the whole school.


For more than 50 years, Royal Mail’s Special Stamp programme has commemorated     British history and achievement. Stamps have also been issued to honour the            achievements of many British people. Often, the people who appear on stamps are         famous. They include scientists and explorers, writers, artists, musicians, athletes, and Prime Ministers.


Since the coronavirus pandemic began, there have been many extraordinary people who have done great things. These are the people who have helped us all through a really   difficult time and have kept the country going when most of us were told to stay home for our own safety. Many people volunteered to help people in their communities who    needed help or support. The Royal Mail wants to honour these heroes by producing a set of eight stamp designs created by children from 4 to 14 years old. A special panel of judges will pick the winning designs and the final eight stamps will be sent to Her Majesty The Queen before they can be printed and issued.


Please find more detailed information about the competition on their website:


If you would prefer your child not to enter the competition, please let us know via the office no later than Friday May 7th. Then your class teacher will know not to include their named design in the competition. We hope to create our designs in school from Monday 10th May.