The drier weather was perfect for our whole school cross country event which was held yesterday.  As you can see from the photos, we had a wonderful time.  Every child took part in this inter-house competition and the distances ranged from 0.5km for our youngest participants to 3km for Year 6 children.  It was great to see everyone rising to the challenge, persevering to finish their run and celebrating their friends’ achievements.


Year 6 demonstrated inspiring leadership skills throughout this event.   Each bubble ran separately and the older    children were careful to maintain appropriate distance.  They marshalled the course and ran alongside younger       children as guides and supporters.   Particular thanks to Mrs Hatton for her time in setting up this brilliant event.


Every child received a certificate for completing the course.  The top boy and girl in each class received a ‘gold’ class champion certificate and their names will be entered into our sporting Hall of Fame.


Class Champions
Wrens Class Zoe and Jacob L
Robins Class Sam and Evie
Owls Class Rocky and Verity
Kingfishers Class Eloise and William
Starlings Class Bertie and Mieke