We have just enjoyed two glorious mornings of sport ! 


On Thursday, every class took part in three exciting field events to earn points for their houses.  For many of our

children, this was their first chance to compete in long jump, vortex javelin or shot put.   They were brilliant at

listening to the adult’s instructions for each event and really threw themselves into each activity.  I know that some of the children who aren’t that keen on running loved being able to excel in a different sporting discipline.




Friday saw a more traditional format of races – sprint, hurdle and relay.  We were able to space out bubbles enough to allow the KS1 classes to support each other and the KS2 classes to also enjoy a joint event.  The children were

fantastic at supporting each other and every child should feel really proud of their efforts and achievement of personal bests.


Although we had a wonderful time, we can’t wait to welcome all our parents and carers back on site for some extra loud cheering at our next sports day.


There must be a winning house, this year it was Forster (Red) House.




We loved the new format for our sports day which has been devised by Mrs Hatton and Mrs Lunnon.  Thank you for all the work that went into ensuring the children had such a great time.