Easter Bonnets, Craft and Photos!


Why not have some fun over the Easter holidays with some Easter bonnets, craft or photos.  You could make an Easter bonnet, draw or make an Easter picture – maybe even a collage.  Perhaps you could take a photo of something with an Easter theme or an Easter activity – whatever you want to celebrate a bit of Easter fun!

If you would like to share what you have created, and you are happy for it to go on the public PTA Facebook page, then please email a photo of your masterpiece to the PTA address (pta@aldermaston.w-berks.sch.uk) or via Facebook Messenger (Aldermaston P.T.A) and we will share the pictures.  We will add the picture and your name unless you ask for them to be anonymous. Look out for photos in future newsletters too!


Watch this space for lots more activities and fundraising coming up soon from our brilliant new committee members!