Visit by Aaron Phipps


Last Thursday we enjoyed a fantastic visit from Aaron Phipps, a gold medal winning Paralympian.  Children and staff were hugely inspired by Aaron’s story.


“On Thursday, Aaron Phipps came into our school to tell us about his life.  When he was seventeen he had a bad disease and lost his legs and some fingers.  He was put in a wheelchair and it took him a long time to get used to using it.  After a while, he decided to try wheelchair rugby.  He practised every single day and tried really hard to get better.  He was training at the same time as doing his job but he still got really good and represented our country at the Paralympic Games where he won a gold medal.


Aaron set himself a goal to climb Mount Kiliminjaro.  When it didn't work out in his wheelchair, he climbed up on his knees!  We thought his best quote was: 'Set a goal, get organised, ask for help and work hard'.” 


And yes, gold medals really are quite heavy!


Owen  and Grace (Starlings)