Image of Whole school visit to The Watermill theatre
26 Nov

Whole school visit to The Watermill theatre

The whole school visited The Watermill theatre to see their version of the Jungle Book.

Image of Glass Fusion Workshop
12 Nov

Glass Fusion Workshop

What a joy it has been to see the children creating their glass decorations this week! Working in small groups of six meant that every child really benefitted from the knowledge and experience of Jason Legget who was leading the workshops. It was great to hear children making links between science topics and the materials and processes used to create the decorations.

Image of Basketball - using new skills
22 Oct

Basketball - using new skills

It was a tense last day to term as all five of our classes engaged in a house team basketball competition.   With each child’s score contributing to a house team total, they attempted to score as many hoops as possible within a strict time limit.  It was great to see the impact of our basketball coaching in action. 

Image of Harvest Festival and Foodbank Appeal
5 Oct

Harvest Festival and Foodbank Appeal

 As part of this term’s value of compassion, the children are keen to not only understand when people need our help but also to take action to help whenever possible.  We have chosen to launch a Harvest Foodbank Appeal and you will see a box placed outside our school office from tomorrow where you can leave any donations..

Image of Winchester Science Centre 2021
1 Oct

Winchester Science Centre 2021

An amazing day was had by all of KS2 (Owls, Kingfishers and Starlings Classes) when we visited the Winchester Science Centre.

Image of Swimathon 2021
24 Sep

Swimathon 2021

Huge support for our Swimathon raising £836 for Cancer Reasearch UK !

Image of Dynamos Cricket Festival 2021
23 Sep

Dynamos Cricket Festival 2021

Year 5/6 cricketers go to the Dynamos Cricket Festival.

Image of Open Mornings
22 Sep

Open Mornings

Open Mornings - Thursday, 14th October and Tuesday, 9th November - 9.30 to 10.30am.

Image of Welcome back!
1 Sep

Welcome back!

Confirming arrangements for the start of term.

Image of How did our garden grow?
16 Aug

How did our garden grow?

Find out how our children got on with their gardening this year.